Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hail Windows 7

Windows 7 has been Released to Manufacturing (RTM'd) today. According to the Windows Blog here's what that means:

As I mentioned previously, RTM officially happens only after sign-off occurs. What happens is a build gets designated as a RTM contender after going through significant testing and meeting our quality bar for RTM. Then, it goes though all the validation checks required for RTM including having all languages of that build completed. If all the validation checks have passed – sign-off for RTM can occur. Today after all the validation checks were met, we signed off and declared build 7600 as RTM.

It looks like we'll be seeing Windows 7 appear on stage shortly. How will Windows 7 benefit you and your work flow? I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to use it since I'm on OS X and have no intention of switching to Wondows, but I would certainly like to see what it's all about sometime. For those of you that will be using it, I'd be happy to hear what benefits you think you'll get from using it and how it'll make your work-flow or fun-flow (for those gamers out there) more productive.

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