Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Apple Netbook Rumors: Just Rumors?

That's right, all the rumors about an Apple Netbook (or Tablet PC) are exactly that: rumors. However, I for one would like to see an Apple Netbook, especially now that Google is getting in the game.

It makes perfect sense: the iPhone is simply too small.

While the iPhone may be great for many people, it's just not ever going to be able to compete with a Netbook. It's in a class by itself. Now, even if you're not an Apple products fan, let me explain why an Apple Netbook makes a lot of sense. Think iPhone and then think Palm Pre, Google Phone, Blackberry Storm, etc, etc. The iPhone has created a whole class of knockoffs and would be iPhones some of which come closer to giving it some serious competition than others (having used the Pre for the first time this morning, I would say that it is definitely getting closer than any of the others have at creating some serious competition for the iPhone.

That's exactly why we need an Apple Netbook: to make the Netbook really take off. Right now if you walk into a hardware retailer, you find gobs and gobs of laptops with a few Netbooks scattered here and there. I've used a few of them, and so far the quality is dismal and the prices (even for PCs) seem quite high. An Apple Netbook would no doubt raise the bar in quality and value. The Macbook Air, while cool, doesn't really count as a Netbook as it is still too big.

So Mr. Jobs, now that you're back at Apple for a bit, could you please bring us a Netbook that's worth talking about?

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