Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tech Loaded 100th Post: Using Technology to Achieve Success

For the 100th post of the Tech Loaded blog, I've decided to do a special post on how you can use technology to become successful in your life.

Set Digital Goals
Most success planners will tell you that to achieve success, you have to know what you're shooting for. As they say "if you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time." However, since nothing is no goal, you must have a goal that you can see yourself getting to. Set goals small. Perhaps you run a blog and your goal is to get 10,000 hits a month. In order to accomplish that, you must have some smaller goals. Start with seeking to get 100 hits a week and then strive to get up to 100 hits a day. Once you've achieved those smaller goals, the larger ones become within reach.

Digital Repetition
You may have heard the phrase, "you don't become a master by doing a thousand different things but by doing 10 things a thousand times." That's exactly right and technology makes repetition easier than ever. For instance, is there something you do every day that you could get your computer or your smart phone to do automatically? For instance, do you scroll through headlines on a certain topic looking for certain information? Perhaps you could set up a script that would do that on it's own. Perhaps you could find an iPhone app or a web app that could do it for you. Successful people become successful by getting others to do work for them. You could have your computer or your phone doing work for you.

Stay Connected
It's true. To achieve success you must have "connections." Now this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how many friends you have on Facebook or how many colleagues you have on Linked In. It has more to do with what where those connections can potentially lead you. Are they dead ends or are they bridges? The internet is built on the ability to connect one person to another. There may very well be someone that you have recently come in contact with that could be a huge assistance to you getting to where you want to be. Of course it works the other way around too. You should be willing to be a "bridge" for others too, especially once you've achieved success. But we'll discuss that further later. Right now, the main thing I want to point out is that success could be one connection away and the digital world of connections could help you achieve success very quickly.

One Day at A Time
There's the old saying that Rome was not built in a day and that still is true. While it seems that these days Googles and Microsofts boom overnight, this is simply not true. They may grow quickly, but there have been countless hours of work behind the building of every corporate giant. Use day planning software and calendar software to set goals and then set steps to achieve those goals. Once you have a goal, you and you've set the steps you've essentially given yourself a roadmap to success.

Keep Working
One of the biggest keys to success is to keep working. Don't give up because one of your goals doesn't seem to be happening. The truth is that there is nothing easy when it comes to success and even though technology can greatly help you in achieving success, there's no guarantee that failure won't precede success. But don't give up; instead keep pushing on and don't be discouraged when things don't work out the way you'd like them to every time. Give it time and success will be yours.

The Process Goes On
This post on using Technology to achieve success isn't a final post but will be revised as more thoughts come to my mind about how anyone can use technology to achieve success.

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